Marginal Cost Formula, Curve, Definition, Examples

what is the best definition of marginal cost

Companies compute and monitor trends in their variable expense ratio, which is the ratio of variable expenses to net sales. They compute their contribution margin as sales revenue minus variable costs and use it for product pricing decisions. Break even point analysis provides a clear picture of when the company covers its variable and fixed costs through revenue generation. It’s essential to understand that the marginal cost can change depending on the level of production. Initially, due to economies of scale, the marginal cost might decrease as the number of units produced increases.

Similarly, a change in quantity is the number of additional units produced. Marginal cost is essential for understanding the profit-maximizing output level because it is what you pay for each additional output unit. Therefore, when marginal costs are declining, the company has reduced its average cost per unit how to calculate marginal cost because of economies of scale or learning curve benefits. The production volume is the quantity of output that a producer produces. The marginal cost is the additional cost that a producer incurs when they produce one more unit of a product. As the production volume increases, the marginal cost also increases.


So, if it sold a total of 115 units for $1,100 the next week, the marginal revenue for units 101 through 115 is $100, or $6.67 per unit ($100 ÷ 15). This is why manufacturers often need a minimum production run just to reach a break-even point. After this, however, any increase in the production volume tends to increase variable costs at a lower rate.

Incremental cost, much like marginal cost, involves calculating the change in total cost when production changes. Remember, the value of marginal cost is a crucial factor in deciding whether to increase or decrease production. A lower marginal cost would suggest that a company can profitably expand production, while a higher marginal cost might signal that it’s more cost-efficient to reduce output. Much of the time, private and social costs do not diverge from one another, but at times social costs may be either greater or less than private costs. When the marginal social cost of production is greater than that of the private cost function, there is a negative externality of production.

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Average revenue is simply the total amount of revenue received divided by the total quantity of goods sold. Ideally, the change in measurements captures the change from a single quantity to the next available quantity (i.e., the difference between the one hundredth and one hundred-first units sold). However, you can still use it to capture the average marginal revenue across a series of units (i.e., the difference between the hundredth and one hundred-fifteenth units sold). Companies use historical marginal revenue data to analyze customer demand for products in the market. They also use the information to set the most effective and efficient prices. Lastly, companies rely on marginal revenue to better understand forecasts; this information is used to determine future production schedules, such as material requirements planning.

This distance remains constant as the quantity produced, Q, increases. A change in fixed cost would be reflected by a change in the vertical distance between the SRTC and SRVC curve. Any such change would have no effect on the shape of the SRVC curve and therefore its slope MC at any point. The changing law of marginal cost is similar to the changing law of average cost. They are both decrease at first with the increase of output, then start to increase after reaching a certain scale. While the output when marginal cost reaches its minimum is smaller than the average total cost and average variable cost.

Understanding Marginal Cost

The marginal cost curve is given below for your better understanding. Fixed costs are expenses that do not vary with the level of production. These costs are incurred regardless of whether the business produces one unit or one million units.

what is the best definition of marginal cost

The average total cost of products before the addition of two units was only $2 per unit ($20/10), which is lower than the $3 cost of the additional units. The production of these units increases the average total cost of production to $2.17 ($26/12). Marginal cost is the cost to produce one additional unit of production. It is an important concept in cost accounting as marginal cost helps determine the most efficient level of production for a manufacturing process.

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