How to Effectively Manage a Board of Medical Directors

Board members play an essential role in governance, encouraging accountability, and shaping the organization’s destiny. But managing such a large group of people at all stages of their careers can be difficult, especially in an in-person setting like a board meeting.

One of the biggest challenges for boards is understanding how to manage their business without influencing or micromanaging. It is essential that board members comprehend the difference between high-level policy decisions, and the lower-level management policies. It also helps that the board is able to communicate effectively with management and that it has clearly stated the ways it will communicate its decisions with management.

It’s a good idea to schedule regular updates on phone calls with board members between seven and ten days prior to the upcoming board meeting. This allows the board to examine any issues likely to be on the agenda and makes sure that any bad news isn’t presented for the first time during the meeting itself.

The final step is to establish policies that clearly define the roles of the board, medical team, and management. Effectively implemented policies reduce the amount of «busy work» during each board meeting. This frees time for strategic tasks.

It is important that the board is comprised of members with a wide range of knowledge in all areas of the business. This includes finance and sales as well as marketing and operations. It is also beneficial when some of the board members have previous experience in other areas apart from healthcare. This will allow the board members to acquire new expertise and make the most appropriate decisions for the company.

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